God's Light..

God's Light..
Source..The Universal Light of Life's Energy...GOD'S Light..ENERGY .. IS WITHIN us all..in EVERYTHING...Capture The Power Within

The Hypnosis Queen News Headliner

Articles Published

C.J. Savage Heals Her Shattered Bones in 12 Days with Hypnosis
Article written by Pat Rutherford, editor of "Taste of Homes" magazine and author of children's books

C.J. Savage, a certified hypnotherapist since 1991, decided to get rid of a small tree from her yard while babysitting her grandchildren Saturday afternoon, May 22, 2010. C.J. climbed up on the tree from her porch, bouncing up & down on a limb when her feet slipped so fast, they went up and she took a dive to the ground head first, shattering her wrist & arm. Now in excruciating pain, tells her 3 yr old and 7 yr old grandkids what to do to heal her. C.J. said “they did great!” They were so small, their attention span was a little short but they healed her elbow. The grandkids worked on healing with their own minds for 10 to 15 mins., then quit to watch the cartoons playing on TV. Prior to that, the elbow had a sharp bone sticking up out of it and wouldn’t bend, but the elbow was now fine..
After hours of experiencing excruciating pain and too weak to do anything, C.J. went to the E.R., where they prepared her for surgery, after one look at her arm but after the x-rays, they said it was ‘completely shattered’ and they couldn’t do anything for her. The E.R. Dr. said, “for all the damage done, the elbow was fine”. They put a cast on her entire arm and told her to see a specialist right away.
     C.J. Savage did her hypnosis almost around the clock for the next 9 days. This was nothing new, because C.J. has healed herself of any illness or injury she’s had for many years but she had never had anything this severe before.
     C.J. got an appointment with Orthopedic Specialist, Dr. Mark Greene, whom she saw 9 days later after being in the E.R.. When Dr. Greene initially saw C.J., he explained how he would “insert a metal plate with pins and screws in her wrist…” but C.J. said, “Dr.Greene, do you believe in miracles?” He responded very kindly and quickly, “yes Cheryl, I do believe in miracles.” C.J. was so relieved to hear that and asked for another x-ray which he kindly obliged. After taking a look at the new x-rays, the surgery would not be necessary as she was healing very fast. Dr. Greene removed her cast from the E.R. and put on a small cast on her wrist to keep the wrist ‘stabilized’. Again, she continued with hypnosis, using the ‘white light’, the Universal source of power to heal and by the next morning, the small cast Greene put on the day before was so loose, she couldn’t stand it so called to have it removed and did so the next day.No cast was put back on. All the swelling had left and the bones were fine. She wore a cast less than 12 days. C.J. now needed to work on stretching and healing her muscles and tendons in the hand that had been overly stretched in the fall. She said her the muscles in her hand was sore, but is using her hand as usual with all the strength back in it.
     C.J. Savage says, “I often tell my clients you have the state of the art pharmacy inside you that can heal anything, no matter what it is, injury or illness. All my clients who have used hypnosis to heal illnesses or injuries for many years with our own minds, have had 100% success.” It can take minutes, hours, days or even months if is cancer. She has witnessed miraculous healings before her very eyes that has even amazed her. She knows how powerful the mind is and most people don’t have a clue just how powerful it really is or even care. Those that do realize the mind is incredibly powerful don't know how to utilize it. That’s why more than 90% of the people use an average of 2 – 8% of their mind on a daily basis. C.J. Savage teaches people how to access another 70-80% of their mental powers on her free live internet radio channel called, “The Power of The Super Conscious Mind”. She says anyone can learn this if they want to and do the same. If more people did learn to use this Universal source of power, health insurance wouldn’t be such a big concern in this country."
    This time C.J. Savage has the proof she needs for all those disbelievers but she said it doesn’t matter whether she has the proof or not. Those who choose not to believe will find some reason why the evidence is not good enough for them. Those who want to learn how to use a much greater capacity of their mind and get more out of life, living life more abundantly, can and will learn as I did. If a 3 and 7 year old can do it, most anyone can heal and do much more if they want to.
Check out x-rays shown on www.YouTube.com/thehypnosisqueen


 You can change your life or any part of it by simply changing your thinking. You are asking, ‘How do I change my thinking?’?  It is easier than you think. Your thoughts

become habits which become your beliefs. You are still in control of your thoughts, or are you? Do you want to be? You can be, by simply applying a few new habits in your daily life. Ever know anyone that is always saying, ‘I’m so fat, no matter what I do to try to lose weight, I just stay fat, nothing works’.  Those thoughts become their belief and with the Universal Law of Belief and the Universal Law of Attraction, they remain ‘fat’ no matter what weight loss programs they try. The most common remarks I hear today is, “The economy is so bad…I can’t afford it…everything is so high…so many people are out of jobs, etc” If you keep thinking like this, you will believe it and you’ll live it and worry, fear, anxiety and depression will set in. These kind of thoughts are very negative thinking which creates negative energy that goes out in the Universe, permeating and penetrating all space, attracting more negative energy back to you and before you know it, you’ve become a big crap magnet! You’ll soon have problems, if you don’t already. Is that the kind of life you want to live? Certainly not!

   The worst beliefs are the self-limiting beliefs. You may think you lack intelligence or abilities to do what it is you want to do, achieve goals or be creative, earn a high income, lose weight, are not as good as someone else or can’t be the person you want to be.  These self-limiting beliefs create the worst negative thoughts making you your own worst enemy. Your beliefs then become your realities. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”. You can change all that negative energy around to living a life of abundance, happiness, health and harmony.

   Some of you think your thoughts just flow in randomly, millions of thoughts a day just flows in your mind, without any control on your part. And they might just do that but if they do, you are living by default. You let life happen to you. You can learn to control your thoughts, with practice and create the life you really want. It takes some effort on your part but it is much easier to get control of your thoughts than you may think.

   First you need to understand there are Universal Laws by which we live that are immutable, unwavering, without error working whether you realize it or not, all the time just as the Law of Gravity and 32 other laws that affect your life every second of everyday. One is  The Law of Belief,  a very powerful law which comes from within which is the reason for “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.  This means whatever you believe, with conviction, becomes your reality, even if the odds are against you. This is the basic underlying principle for most psychology, philosophy and metaphysics. The New Testament says, “According to your faith, it is done unto you.” The Old Testament says, “As a man thinketh, in his heart (his beliefs), so is he.”

    You can start by removing these limitations believing you have no limitations and start believing you can do anything, be anything and have anything. Start dreaming and writing your life like a script for a play, how you want to see your life play out. You must write it in the present tense as if it is already a reality and feel it with emotion when you visualize it as you write. Get a notebook and write about your life everyday, adding more detail everyday. Get up a few minutes early to write about the life you dream you are living and spend a few minutes writing before you go to sleep. In between time, day dream about the life you are living in your notebook and replace any negative thoughts immediately with positive ones. Fill your idle mind with affirmations, stopping any negative thoughts flowing in. Use affirmations for the area of your life you want to improve the most. For example, if you want to improve your health, repeat over and over in your mind or loud enough you can hear yourself with emotion, “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy” or “Everyday in everyway, I am becoming stronger and stronger, healthier and healthier, better and better, happier and happier” If you want more money fast: “There is an avalanche of money coming to me now…And I receive it with open arms and I am grateful” or “Every minute of everyday, millions (thousands or hundreds) of dollars flow to me now…instantly, effortlessly, naturally now”. If it is something you want to be, say “I can be what I will to be and I will to be..(Ex: the best salesman in the company by such & such date)  With practice, you can develop your mind to the point, you not only believe that you can do, have or be anything you put your mind to, the Universal Law of Attraction will make it a reality, somehow, some way. Do not be concerned about how it will happen or where it will come from but just believe it will come to be one way or another. Expect the results you dream and move forward with intentions of it coming to be.

   In an effort to be positive, you must get rid of most of the negative thinking and it gets easier with practice. Wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it hard if you have a negative thought or say anything negative, gossip  or even agree with someone about something negative. Be honest with yourself and snap it and you will break this bad habit of being negative. Stay away from negative people for at least 30 – 90 days, until you get your life balanced. Take inventory of the people you talk to or are around and do you usually feel better or worse after you’ve been around them or talked to them? Stay away from all the negative energy you can and that most certainly includes most of television, especially the news. The news in this country is like the big bad wolf in the 1963 Disney Cartoon in ‘Chicken Little’ telling everyone the sky is falling. The chickens run around squawking to each other in fear, listening to the wolf talking through the fence, guiding them to the cave, where he later sits, licking his lips and the bones.

The news media seems to be great at instilling fear into the American people. Stop feeding that fear and be positive and you will certainly see everything improve in your life. Your entire life can change dramatically if you continue practicing this.

    It all starts with you in control of your thoughts, focusing upon what it is you desire, hard and long enough, with determination, becomes your beliefs, which becomes your reality. Whatever you so desire, with determination, focusing on it daily, visualizing and feeling it with emotion will come to be. This is how you can change your beliefs, reprogramming your Super Conscious mind.

My Favorite Kind of Dr.

My Favorite Kind of Dr.