God's Light..

God's Light..
Source..The Universal Light of Life's Energy...GOD'S Light..ENERGY .. IS WITHIN us all..in EVERYTHING...Capture The Power Within

The Hypnosis Queen News Headliner


How Your Thoughts Can Make You Sick!

By Lissa Rankin, M.D., Author of Mind Over Medicine   Source: Psychology Today
Most of us have heard of "the placebo effect," the heal-inducing effect patients in clinical trials experience when they believe they're getting a fancy new drug or surgery but are actually getting fake treatment. The placebo effect is real, it works about 18-80% of the time, and it's not just in your head – it actually dilates bronchi, heals ulcers, makes warts disappear, drops your blood pressure, and even makes bald men who think they're getting Rogaine grow hair!
Unwanted Side Effects
But the placebo effect has a shadow side. The same mind-body power that can heal you can also

My Favorite Kind of Dr.

My Favorite Kind of Dr.